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Author: Rick Gee

2020 March 23

2020 March 23

As you may have noticed from the home page, CONC activities are suspended until the COVID-19 pandemic quietens down. In the meantime, birders have noticed Turkey Vultures, Western Meadowlarks, and Ruddy Ducks, all signs of spring. The botanists will start blog entries when something other than Sagebrush Buttercups and lomatium start appearing.

2020 March 2

2020 March 2

Is spring near? The evidence: Daily high temperatures in town are nearing 10 C Pussy willow catkins are appearing beside the snowshoe trails The snowshoe trails themselves are getting icy Sagebrush buttercups in bloom are being seen Bicycles are being dusted off Can hiking be far behind?

2020 January 22

2020 January 22

Well, we are in the midst of a little thaw. After the bitterly cold weather last week (which resulted in the cancellation of two snowshoe trips and one birding trip), the daily highs are once again above zero. If you are still indoors, you may be interested in these items on the Internet. A quiz that will answer the question What bird are you most like? Apparently I am most like a Rock Pigeon, of all things. A study that…

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2020 January 2

2020 January 2

I wish it could decide if it is winter or spring. First, we get some snow, then we get some warm weather. Our annual trip to the Meadow Cabin at Nordic had to be changed as the snow was too sticky. We hope things improve for the rest of the winter, Remember that the CONC banquet is coming up on January 14. Details, including how to get tickets, are on CONC’s home page.

2019 November 17

2019 November 17

Fall comes, to be followed by snow. But trail work must continue. Here’s some late information from the Friends of the South Slopes (FOSS). Effective October 15, 2019, FOSS is very pleased to advise you that we now have a dedicated person who will monitor and facilitate trail maintenance in both MBPP (Myra-Bellevue Provincial Park) and OMPP (Okanagan Mountain Provincial Park): Herb Blamire.  Herb is a former Board Member/President of FOSS and has more than 45 years professional experience in…

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2019 November 15

2019 November 15

Halfway through November already! The hikers are starting to think of snowshoeing but the hills need more snow. The birders are starting to think of Christmas Bird Counts; Kelowna’s is December 14. Speaking of upcoming events, the Executive has decided that we should be holding our annual potluck banquet in January and the AGM in February. This swap makes life easier for the treasurer and our financial reviewer. Thus, the annual potluck dinner will be held on January 14. Please…

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2019 September 23

2019 September 23

It’s the first day of fall and another climate change conference takes place this week. For some suggestions on helping the environment, consider these ideas.

2019 September 17

2019 September 17

Why we don’t throw out banana peels and apple cores on our outings It’s official. They decay slowly, very slowly.

2019 August 16

2019 August 16

It’s hot and dry in the Central Okanagan but CONC activities continue. The summer has seen successful trips to Clearwater (Midsummer Madness) and the Washington Cascades (a week of hiking) as well as the usual Wednesday hikes, Friday bicycle trips, and Thursday (and occasional Saturday) birding trips. Now we are announcing the return of the Monday birding walks. Check our birding page for details.

2019 June 14

2019 June 14

Well, we had our annual picnic so monthly meetings will resume in September. Hiking, bicycling, birding, and botany trips continue, despite the warm weather. At the picnic we gave awards to Gwynneth and Harvey. You can read the details of their awards in the Summer edition of the BC Nature magazine, arriving soon at a mailbox near you if it has not already done so.