Hiking, Cycling, and Snowshoeing

Hiking, Cycling, and Snowshoeing

Hikers in Okanagan Mountain Park

The season


Hiking and bicycling activities begin in the spring (late-March to early-April) and continue until the snow flies (often late-November) when skiing and snowshoeing start. The Ramblers do moderate hikes and snowshoe trips while the Sole Survivors do more advanced hikes and snowshoe trips as well as cycling trips. A calendar of events is on our home page.

Calendar on home page
First aid kit information (PDF) Electrolytes recipe (PDF)
What to do if you’re lost in the Woods

Summer camps

Each summer CONC hikers have a five-day (approximately) summer camp whose focus is on a variety of hikes, some longer, some shorter. The summer 2019 camp was in the Cascade Mountains in Washington state.

The summer 2020 camp scheduled for Jasper National Park (in Alberta) but was cancelled.

The summer 2021 camp scheduled for Strathcona Provincial Park (on Vancouver Island) has also been cancelled.

The summer 2023 camp was held at Lake Louise, Alberta.

The summer 2024 camp is scheduled for Jasper National Park (in Alberta).

For details, please contact Robbie Bowers or Glenda Newman. All CONC hikers are welcome to attend.


Car pooling is encouraged. The rate paid to the driver is shown on the Activities page.

COVID-19 has raised the need for additional carpool restrictions. Please see the Sole Survivors and Ramblers pages for details.

Administrative Details

Sole Survivors hiking trips usually involve some bushwhacking and/or off-trail sections. Ramblers trips are usually gentler and shorter.

Meeting Place in Kelowna: The Apple Bowl parking lot, near the corner of Burtch and Bernard. Participants should arrive at the meeting point 15 minutes before the announced departure time.

West Kelowna Meeting Place: If you want to be picked up in West Kelowna, please call the hike leader at least one day in advance. For some hikes on the west side of Okanagan Lake, hikers may confirm with the leader, and arrange to join, where the particular hike schedule so designates.

Once COVID-19 restrictions are removed, guests are welcome to join one hike before becoming a CONC member. Guests must sign a waiver form (PDF). The activity leader will provide a copy of the waiver for you to sign. Check the waiver for general details on participation.

If you have particular questions about any hike, please phone the hike leader (as noted in the schedule) or contact the hike coordinator.

Note the information on selected items for your personal first aid kit and a recipe for electrolytes to keep you hydrated in the hot Okanagan sun.

Calendar on home page
First aid kit information (PDF) Electrolytes recipe (PDF)
What to do if you’re lost in the Woods

Grass in foreground

Hikers in Okanagan Mountain Park       Hikers with Little White in the background

Contact the CONC webmaster. For general questions, use this link.

Last updated 2024 05 23