About Us

About Us

Meetings and other activities

In-person meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of each month, September to May, at 7:00 p.m., at Evangel Church, 3261 Gordon Drive, just south of KLO Road, Kelowna, BC, AS LONG AS COVID RESTRICTIONS ALLOW. Meetings begin with a business meeting, including the introduction of guests and new members, and reports of recent sightings. This is followed by a presentation from an invited speaker.

We then mingle and socialize while eating goodies and drinking coffee or tea.

The (usually) October meeting is a chance to show off the photographs members have taken over the previous year. These include birding, botany, canoeing, hiking, and travel to various parts of the world.

In January we have a potluck banquet. The February meeting is the Annual General Meeting.

In June we have a potluck picnic in one of the local parks.

Bitterroot     Butterfly

What else do we do?

We participate in many activities related to conservation and nature. A complete schedule of our events is in this document.

We donate to the Central Okanagan Bursary and Scholarship Society towards the Brenda Thomson Memorial Bursary, to a student studying environmental science in a post-secondary institution.

Who are the people on the executive?

Here’s a PDF of all the people who make the club function. Meet the Club Executive


The CONC Newsletter is published quarterly now (a change from the previous every month except January, July, and August) plus (possibly) a special Annual General meeting issue.

To submit articles, please contact the editors

The deadline for submissions for the next newsletter is stated on page 3 of the current newsletter. The newsletter is mailed electronically or through Canada Post (for an extra fee) for those who do not have an email address.

Some older newsletters are available below. Please note that from September 2021, CONC will be publishing its newsletter four or five times a year instead of nine times a year.

March 2024 December 2023 September 2023
June 2023 March 2023 December 2022
September 2022 June 2022

Kelowna NatureKids


Kelowna NatureKids (formerly the Kelowna branch of the Young Naturalists’ Club, but now part of an independent organization) inspires a lifelong interest in nature and encourages children aged 5 to 14 to become environmental stewards. Meetings are held once a month, usually on Sunday afternoons, outdoors for Explorer Days.

For more details, please contact CONC’s outreach director via email and your request will be referred to Kelowna NatureKids.

Publications from our members

Jackpine Meadows final report, by Peter Courtney

Effects of the 2003 fire on bird abundance in Okanagan Mountain Park, by Les Gyug

Contact information for the executive.

For website issues, contact the CONC webmaster. For general questions, use this link.

Last updated: 2024 06 03