2019 November 15
Halfway through November already! The hikers are starting to think of snowshoeing but the hills need more snow. The birders are starting to think of Christmas Bird Counts; Kelowna’s is December 14.
Speaking of upcoming events, the Executive has decided that we should be holding our annual potluck banquet in January and the AGM in February. This swap makes life easier for the treasurer and our financial reviewer.
Thus, the annual potluck dinner will be held on January 14. Please arrive at 6:00 pm; eating will begin at 6:30. There is an extra cost for tables, tablecloths, etc, so we sell tickets for this dinner. $5 per ticket. The tickets are available from Rick, at meetings, birding outings, and hiking/snowshoe outings. Or you can contact him to reserve a ticket and pay for the ticket in January. His contact information is in any newsletter.
For the AGM, please consider running for a seat on the Executive; when the nominating committee contacts you, please say yes.